there is something very bizzarre about how time is viewed by most people....
they have this bizzarre notion that other moment in time still exist or exist already before they have happened....
and that if there were a god in reality he could scan ahead and see the future.... I used to believe this way, and I find it very common still
I am totally amazing how easy it is to believe in this view of time.....
but time is not a dimension like space... space is a measurement of distance in 3 axises but time is a measure of changing relationship amoung objects that do not grow nor shrink in number.... what I mean is that my car moving down the highway does not leave copies of itself behind nor does it gobble up phantom copies ahead of it as it moves along the road.... instead my relationship with every other element of the universe is changing and that can be standardized by reference to stable repeating countable events such as the mechanisms of a clock or the location of the sun in the sky etc....
this idea that God, is outside of time and able to see the future is absurd, the future does not, by definition exist outside of really bad guesswork on our part and even on the part of any actual god.... the reason for that is not too obvious, but comes from the necessity to slice experiences into viewable frames... or sampling... you cannot infinitely sample and because of this there are gaps of knowledge which exponetially increase and after just a few minutes, all attempts to accurately guess what is coming fade out to noise...and not even a god can get around this....
the bible god is not all knowing [see genesis 18:20-21] and to my knowledge never claimed anywhere in the bible to be so.... most of his grandeous pronouncements concerning the future were related to his ABILITY to perform or carry them out...not his psychic foreknowledge... most prophecies begin with THIS IS WHAT I WILL DO, etc....
those which seem like foreknowledge are just human silliness creeping into the myths as it always does.